STAT 5702 Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization
Community Contribution Group 60

Notes of Basic HTML, JavaScript, and D3

Table of Contents

Get Started

For vscode users, one of the easiest ways to launch a local server is via the “Live Server” extension. Launch the server by simply click the “Go Live” button.

Another approach is through http-server, you can follow the instruction on this site to install the http-server via npm. You can launch the local server by the following command.

$ http-server [path]

Introduction to HTML

Please check the html_examples.html for more detailed examples and code.

We also made a note Basic_HTML_Notes.pdf, which contains some basic HTML concepts and code


Introduction to JavaScript

We also made a note Basic_JavaScript_Notes.pdf, which contains some basic JS syntax and functions.


Introduction to D3

We have created a note on basic D3, which helps to kick-start building an interactive visualization with D3.js. Please check Basic_D3_Notes.pdf for the note.


We have also made a code example for the visualization of several mathematical functions. Please check d3_example.html for details. The data are in the data directory. By modifying data_generator.R, you can test out more functions.

Demo of the Example D3 We Provided

x will always be in range [-10, 10], y = f(x) is the function we can choose. Once we choose another function, there will be an animated transition of the points moving. In this case, we choose the y-axis to be fixed to the range [-10, 10].

If we change the y-axis to dynamic, the range of the y-axis will change corresponding to the y value.

When the mouse hovers to a point, the tooltip will show its coordinate.

References & Resources

Many resources are beneficial for learning more about HTML, JS, and D3.js.




Piazza Activities

We have been active on Piazza:

We also answered a few questions regarding midterm:

We also asked a few questions that evoked people’s discussion for example: Midterm practice question

The professor also endorsed the answers